Are you ready to move in?
Are you ready to live together? Moving in
with your guy or girl can be great, but it can be a nightmare. Make sure
you don’t ruin your relationship by moving too fast and read these 10
signs that will show you whether you are ready to share your closet
Sign you’re ready to live together: Pants on the floor? Not an issue
Imagine this scenario; you come home after an excruciatingly long day
at work to find mountains of clothes on your bedroom floor. Do you hit
the roof screaming or shrug it off as one-of-those-things? If you still
start a shouting match then it might be a sign that you’re not ready to
live together. Although no one likes living with a messy person,
researchers have found that eight out of 10 people said they cleaned up
after their other half. Basically mess is something you are going to
have to deal with if you become roomies.
Sign you’re ready to live together: You go Dutch
The all-time number one breakup issue is money. If you and your guy
or girl aren’t dividing things up equally now then you’re going to face
some major issues when you live together. Although you don’t need to go
halves on every dinner out or movie you see together, make sure that
there is a balance and that neither of you are paying way more than the
other. Even if you think you’re comfortable with it now, the fact that
they’re freeloading or you’re dependent on their cash flow will be
problematic when you’re shacked up.
Sign you’re ready to live together: You get lost when you go home
So, you need to change your clothes and check your phone messages.
The only problem is you’ve forgotten how to get home. If you’re spending
all your time at their house and you haven’t been home in weeks, then
it might be time to throw away your house key and settle into coupledom
Sign you’re ready to live together: Bad day? You go home to them
Your team lost to their rivals, your boss shouted at you and you got
stuck in a two hour traffic jam. So what do you do? Go out for drinks
with your friends or go home to your guy or girl and eat takeout in
front of trashy TV? One of the biggest signs that you’re ready to live
together is when you have had the worst day and you go home to your
other half.
Sign you’re ready to live together: You start to dream of weddings
If you’ve started to dream about big white dresses and cutting cakes
then it might be a sign that you’re looking to commit. Ask yourself
this: do you see yourself with this person in five years time? If you
do, then take the plunge and go for it; life is short and love is hard
to find. If it doesn’t work out then at least you gave it a go and you
now know they’re not your Romeo or Juliet.
Sign you’re ready to live together: You buy furniture together
You need a new carpet; who do you ask to help you pick one? If you
pick your lovely partner then that’s great news. Being able to make
decisions together, especially decisions regarding personal taste and
money, is crucial if you are going to get along in co-habiting heaven.
Just make sure you steer clear of those horrendous his and her towel
Sign you’re ready to live together: You haven’t had a big fight in a while
Living together can be a nightmare. If you have lots of unresolved
issues and have personalities that clash then you are always going to be
fighting and no one likes sleeping on the couch. If you haven’t had a
big fight in a while then it might be a sign that you’re compatible
enough to settle. Little fights are common though and the average couple
have a whopping 312 arguments a year.
Sign you’re ready to live together: You don’t worry when they go out
To live together and enjoy it you have to be secure and trust one
another. A great test to see whether you’re ready to move in together is
to judge how you feel when they go out with their friends to a bar or
party. Do you worry and feel anxious? Are you likely to turn up
incognito and spy behind a bar stool? If you’re not secure with your guy
or girl you’re not ready to take the plunge.
Sign you’re ready to live together: Your bathroom cabinet has expanded
When you open your bathroom cabinet what do you see? If you’ve got
shaving cream, panty liners and nose clippers lodged amidst your usual
in-house pharmacy then it might be time to consider getting an extra key
cut; they seem to have moved in anyway so why resist the inevitable?
Sign you’re ready to live together: You struggle to sleep on your own
When you finally make it home to your own bed do you relish the
chance to stretch out in your bed or do you miss spooning your guy or
girl? If you struggle to sleep in your own bed then stop being love-sick
and give living together a go. At some point in our lives we all have
to take a risk.
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